The purpose of being purposeful

purposeful point

“What is the point”?

This is a question I come across quite often and yep not necessarily an easy one to answer.

Well it is if you know the answer but until you do then it is not going to be easy.

Hopefully this makes sense and not just a conversational loop!

The point is the purpose of the point of the thing whatever it is in the first place. Eh!

There is no point in climbing the mountain unless you have a purpose for doing so. Otherwise you would be better off doing something else. Something that has a purpose, something you want to do.

Of course you may feel compelled, even forced into doing something that you really do not want to do. But if you do not want to do it then guess what – don’t do it.

Unless, that is, you have a purpose and that purpose may even be survival but it is still a purpose.

So next time you are faced with a task focus on the purposeful point otherwise you may well be asking yourself –

“What is the point”?

PS: My previous post Zoom!- what was that?  might help with your point of purpose.

The curious tale of chasing time and the mercurial peach


How often is it that we feel obliged to say “yes” to every demand placed upon us knowing fine well that we already have too much to do in the first place?

How often do you hear, “it is good to be stretched” or “sure it is a challenge” when more tasks are piled on top of a very long “to do” list?

How many people do you know scurry around flapping like a budgie, bouncing around the room like a burst hose pipe and don’t actually start doing anything near productive until 5 minutes before deadline?

Even if you have a plan or a schedule somehow time never seems to be there to get things done. An illusion, an elusive shadow that you seem to constantly chase but just like the mercurial peach is destined to be just out of reach.

But what if you  say “no” occasionally and not feel guilty as long as you can explain the reasons behind it (reasonable ones about tasks in hand, deadlines already expected not childish “it’s not fair”, “why me?”)

Perhaps it is ok to be “stretched” or “challenged” occasionally indeed I would suggest it is essential that we get out our comfort zones once and awhile to see what we are made of.

Maybe the flappers and bouncers require to channel their energies in a more productive way, find out what they are good at and leave them to it, leaving you to get on with the things you need to get done without the distractions.

Sure everybody knows if you don’t plan you plan to fail, right? However maybe the plan needs to be flexible to consider the possibility that time needs to cherished, loved, taken care of to ensure that it will always be there for you instead of chasing after it like a desperate drunk seeking a partner for the last dance.

And who knows maybe, just maybe, you will get your hands on and taste the sweet juices of the mercurial peach.




I was asked recently what serendipity meant to me. I said that I remember seeing a cartoon which went a bit like this-

A man went into a shop and after wandering around for a while said to the shopkeeper-

You don’t seem to have what I am not looking for.

I think that explains it perfectly…


Present – What does this mean to you?


A friend of mine told me something that made me think-

“What is a present ?” he asked , well given that Christmas has just gone then I guess it is a gift.

“What is another word for living in the here and now?” , a present?

“Yes” he said

So if you can see that the present moment, right here right now, is actually a gift ( a present) then why would you not appreciate it?

Sure it cost you nothing so go on absorb yourself in the present.

A talking dog, yours for a tenner. Do you get it?

I heard this story, wrapped within a therapeutic context, at a course recently and I was wondering if you can get it.

A man sees a sign for a talking dog for 10 (insert your local currency here). He goes in to the shop and true enough the man behind the desk says yes it is true. Do you want to see him he asks. Sure do the man replies. Ok go through the door on the left go down the corridor turn left down the stairs second door on your right.

So the man follows the directions and sees the dog, Hello says the dog how are you? The man says, so it’s true you can talk. Oh yes says the dog I was trained for the armed services to work behind enemy lines then later on I worked in civil defence in covert operations.

Wow says the man and he runs back to the man behind the desk, he says that is amazing, a talking dog, is he really for sale for a tenner?

Oh yes, says the man behind the desk and continues, did he tell you about being in the armed services and civil defence working in covert operations?

Yes replies the man.

The man behind the counter replies, yeah he tells everyone that but it’s not true…

Do you get it?dog

Zoom! – what was that?



Zoom! – what was that? That was your life, mate. That was quick, do I get another? Sorry mate, that’s your lot.

John Cleese as Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers – BBC)

Might be time to focus on those summer time dreams and perhaps put those thoughts into action, you just might not get a better opportunity than now.

45 days The magic number?


I was recently at a continuous professional development event (The Self – Fergus Heffernan PhD).

What had been bugging me was that there is a lot press about changing habits – smoking , weight , exercise, lifestyle …

and that there seems available to everyone a quick fix to it all – diets, patches, gums,machines even hypnosis.

Indeed we live in a society which is forever demanding change and it has to be instant.

However there needs to be firstly-

A Desire For Change
As with any addiction there will be a withdrawal process produced in your body and re-enforced within your brain. Primary withdrawal

usually being about 14 days .

Once this critical gap is breached, within an additional 14 days (28 days from start), the majority of the work would already have been


By the magic 45 day mark, your cells would have been deemphasized for a particular neuropeptide requirement and emotionally, one

would not feel the same level of attraction to the unwanted behaviours/habits.

Indeed replacing  the old habit with a new habit/behaviour that will serve  you in some meaningful way would be the most preferred way

to overcome these challenges.

So that is the power of Hypnotherapy, replacing the old habit/ behaviour with a new habit/ behaviour deep in the subconscious thus

allowing this to be the desired outcome.

Easy when you know how and just like watching your garden flowers grow, given a little time,desire and nurture, we can all bloom

both naturally and beautifully.

 PS 45 days = 12% of the days in the year. That’s 88% of year to live the life you really want…