Are you 1 in 3 or 1 in 9?


As we approach World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10th October , please let me share some Irish mental health facts and 10 tips to boost your mental health resistance.

1 in 3 who attend a family doctor have a mental health aspect to their medical problem.

By the age of 65 1 in 9 will spend some time in mental health care.

10 tips to boost your mental health resistance;

  1. Have the courage to be imperfect
  2. Take time out for yourself
  3. Sign up for that course, join that club
  4. Be active everyday in as many ways as you can
  5. Spend time with people who make you feel good
  6. Laugh out loud each day
  7. Get a good nights sleep
  8. Share the work-load, get everyone involved
  9. Try to be positive and focus on things you can control
  10. Talk about your troubles and seek help early

Take care and do what you can one step at a time.

Mental heath week. Depression and Diet – 3 Brain Facts

thought power

Did you know the brain is made up of around 40% fat.The brain cells need to maintain their structures, therefore an adequate supply of unsaturated fat is needed to maintain health. Olive oil or rapeseed oil is best for cooking. Nuts and seeds for snacks.

Also did you know unlike any other organ the brain cannot use fat or protein as fuel – it can only use glucose. Therefore a steady supply of carbohydrates (which are broken down in the body to produce blood glucose) throughout the day is essential. Aim to eat little and often.

Tryptophan is one of the building blocks of protein and studies have shown that it can improve the mood of those suffering with depression. Therefore fill one third of your plate with protein ( fresh meat, fish, eggs , milk , low fat cheese, nuts, seeds, lentils and beans are all good sources).

Taking care of your body also helps take care of your mind. Relax and enjoy.

5 a day for Mental Wellbeing

5 a day

As it is mental health awareness week culminating in World Mental Health Awareness day on October 10th 2015 just like to share the recommended 5 a day for mental wellbeing.

Just like nutrition in our foods let us all support each other with the little things that might just make all the difference:

Give – Your Time , Your Words, Your Presence

Keep Learning – Embrace new experiences, See opportunities, Surprise yourself

Be Active – Do what you can, Enjoy what you do, Move your mood

Take Notice- Remember the simple things that give you JOY

Connect- Talk & Listen, Be there , Feel connected

We are all in this together…

Freeing the hurt


One on the things I hear a lot from people who have been in therapy before is ‘I’ve dealt with that already’.

Yet they talk about if for a minute and get visibly upset. Would you like to know how you can be sure you’ve dealt with something? It is simple. When you think about and really step into that old memory and you find it does not hurt any longer. That is how you know it’s dealt with.

Not thinking about it, pushing the memory away, or pretending it’s not painful means it’s still stored in a way that can pressure your emotions and create stress and anxiety.

It’s the thing that you really don’t want to look at that’s most likely to be holding you back. It’s kind of obvious. If it hurts so much you won’t even look at it or talk about it then you know for certain that there is a lot of hurt locked in there. Your mind is trying to avoid it, but that keeps it ticking and pressuring your systems.

It’s a bit like when a bill comes in and you can’t deal with it, so you don’t even open it. You just put it to one side so it’s not in your face all day, but yet you know it’s there and on a lower level it keeps bothering you and adds to your stress until you do deal with it.

We can keep torturing ourselves for years to avoid a bad feeling now. How long do you want to feel bad? That’s how long you should bury or avoid the real issue.

If you know something is hurting but you’re pushing it down like that, then congratulations! You know how to make your life better. You just need to deal with that issue, and things can be better. Find a method that discharges the locked-in emotion. If your mind re-evaluates pain properly, then it can simply fade. Look for a win, not just a band-aid.

Too many of us (myself included for too long) just accept things as ‘how my life is’, but which can change for the better. Pick the goal that will let you enjoy life the most and seek ways to achieve that.

Change is easier than you think

The purpose of being purposeful

purposeful point

“What is the point”?

This is a question I come across quite often and yep not necessarily an easy one to answer.

Well it is if you know the answer but until you do then it is not going to be easy.

Hopefully this makes sense and not just a conversational loop!

The point is the purpose of the point of the thing whatever it is in the first place. Eh!

There is no point in climbing the mountain unless you have a purpose for doing so. Otherwise you would be better off doing something else. Something that has a purpose, something you want to do.

Of course you may feel compelled, even forced into doing something that you really do not want to do. But if you do not want to do it then guess what – don’t do it.

Unless, that is, you have a purpose and that purpose may even be survival but it is still a purpose.

So next time you are faced with a task focus on the purposeful point otherwise you may well be asking yourself –

“What is the point”?

PS: My previous post Zoom!- what was that?  might help with your point of purpose.

Let the Happiness in


Happiness can mean so many different things to different people and words cannot truly describe what it is, for it is a feeling, a unique feeling within us that hopefully we have all experienced, even for the briefest of moments.

So even when happiness seems short on supply, grasp and savour the depth of its existence when it comes your way.

For it is yours to experience any way you like.

So when it comes your way ,let it in, or if it’s not for you, please share it with someone who might just need it.

The curious tale of chasing time and the mercurial peach


How often is it that we feel obliged to say “yes” to every demand placed upon us knowing fine well that we already have too much to do in the first place?

How often do you hear, “it is good to be stretched” or “sure it is a challenge” when more tasks are piled on top of a very long “to do” list?

How many people do you know scurry around flapping like a budgie, bouncing around the room like a burst hose pipe and don’t actually start doing anything near productive until 5 minutes before deadline?

Even if you have a plan or a schedule somehow time never seems to be there to get things done. An illusion, an elusive shadow that you seem to constantly chase but just like the mercurial peach is destined to be just out of reach.

But what if you  say “no” occasionally and not feel guilty as long as you can explain the reasons behind it (reasonable ones about tasks in hand, deadlines already expected not childish “it’s not fair”, “why me?”)

Perhaps it is ok to be “stretched” or “challenged” occasionally indeed I would suggest it is essential that we get out our comfort zones once and awhile to see what we are made of.

Maybe the flappers and bouncers require to channel their energies in a more productive way, find out what they are good at and leave them to it, leaving you to get on with the things you need to get done without the distractions.

Sure everybody knows if you don’t plan you plan to fail, right? However maybe the plan needs to be flexible to consider the possibility that time needs to cherished, loved, taken care of to ensure that it will always be there for you instead of chasing after it like a desperate drunk seeking a partner for the last dance.

And who knows maybe, just maybe, you will get your hands on and taste the sweet juices of the mercurial peach.